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What are some of the top addictive antidepressants?

There is a certain level of defeated-ness that come with dealing with depression. It’s not that you don’t want to get better. It’s not that you don’t see what is happening. It’s not that you don’t want to pick yourself up and get going. What is happening is physical. Even the desire can’t cross the synapse gap. And this leaves you in a vulnerable place for potential addiction. What makes matters worse is when you become addicted to the medication intended to help you.

When you are diagnosed with depression, your clinician will likely prescribe antidepressants. These medications are excellent at improving your mood, boosting your focus, and making it much easier to sleep at night. Unfortunately, antidepressant addiction is also possible, leading to a co-disorder in people that may never have had substance abuse issues.

rehab for addictive antidepressants

Pristiq (Desvenlafaxine)

Pristiq is a popular antidepressant used to boost the mood and energy levels in people facing depression. Desvenlafaxine belongs to a powerful class of drugs known as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), which work by reducing the uptake of these chemicals in your brain. This blockage helps you to regain the balance of both serotonin and norepinephrine, making it easier to maintain a positive mood.

However, although the benefits of Pristiq are obvious, antidepressant addiction is highly possible when taking this medication. Most people taking Pristiq often claim to feel a physical dependence and mental devotion to the substance, making it tremendously challenging to quit.

Essentially, when you abruptly stop taking Pristiq, you may begin to feel withdrawal symptoms as your brain has become used to the uptake inhibitors. Naturally, this makes any attempts to stop taking Pristiq feel extremely difficult, as you will likely find yourself battling withdrawal symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and nausea.

Cymbalta (Duloxetine)

Cymbalta is a popular antidepressant commonly prescribed to people battling depression and anxiety disorders. Initial studies have shown that Duloxetine is excellent in increasing mood levels, raising appetite, and boosting sleep in those facing depression. However, while most clinicians broadly consider Cymbalta as a non-addictive substance, there remains a high chance of physical dependence from taking this medication.

In most cases, any attempts to stop taking Duloxetine will lead to fierce withdrawal symptoms that prompt people to keep taking this medication despite wanting to stop. Naturally, this often leads to a buildup of tolerance and a desire for more Cymbalta to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay. However, you must remain aware that taking excessive amounts of Cymbalta is extremely dangerous. In some cases, this unrestricted intake can lead to symptoms such as bloodshot eyes, weight loss, slurred speech, and much more.

Other Substances That May Lead to Antidepressant Addiction

Other substances that may lead to a dependence on antidepressants are:

  1. Viibryd (Vilazodone HCI)
  2. Celexa (Citalopram)
  3. Lexapro (Escitalopram)

If you believe you are facing substance-use disorder symptoms from using any of these medications, please do not try to quit taking them alone. Withdrawal symptoms from going “cold turkey” can be extremely vicious and challenging to manage.

Fortunately, it does not have to be this way. We have extensive experience in helping clients address prescription medication use disorders and begin with a new start. For a free consultation on addiction or for more information on our addiction treatment center in Bentonville, call us today.