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From the ancient Incas eating coca leaves to Native Peruvians engaging the plant for their ceremonies in the 15th Century, humans have been using the coca plant for thousands of years. Today, this plant is used to produce two of the most dangerous drugs: crack and cocaine. However, while both of these substances come from the same source, there are key differences that you should be aware of. What Is the difference between crack and cocaine?

Crack Cocaine and Cocaine

First it must be stated, crack and cocaine have no pharmacological differences. They are both, technically, cocaine. But they have different uses for different individuals. And this makes a difference when considering the possibility for an addiction treatment program in Arkansas.

One of the standout differences between these two substances is how they look. While you will generally find cocaine in a powdered form, crack cocaine is visually more similar to a rock. Most producers of this drug achieve this effect by combining regular cocaine with another substance such as baking soda. By boiling this mixture, the creators of crack create a solid material that can be inhaled for pleasure.

crack cocaine addiction treatment

What are the Major Differences Between Crack and Cocaine?

The Intake Method Taken

While most users of regular cocaine will snort it to feel pleasure, people dependent on crack cocaine will generally inhale it. This method means that this substance is very fast-acting, and users will feel the effects almost instantly. However, crack cocaine also tends to last for a much shorter period, so regular inhalations are required to remain in a state of bliss.


While there are barely any differences between the effects of taking regular cocaine and crack, the latter has an aspect of unpredictability that makes it far more frightening. Unlike its powdered form, there is little guarantee of the purity of the mixture used to create crack cocaine, making it far more dangerous to consume. If you are currently struggling with symptoms of a substance use disorder, please visit our crack rehab center or contact us as soon as you can.

The Cost

One of the core differences between crack and its powdered form lies in its price. While the powdered form is quite expensive and difficult to acquire, crack cocaine is a cheap alternative that is easily accessible. This tremendously low price makes it easy for people from lower-income communities to purchase the drug, leading to its widespread use.

Receiving Treatment for Crack Cocaine Dependency

Crack cocaine is a highly addictive substance, and it is extremely easy to build up a dependence on this drug. Additionally, any attempts to quit are often met by a sharp wave of withdrawal symptoms that will require a professional drug detox. These withdrawals can include:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Nausea
  3. Extreme Fatigue
  4. Cravings
  5. Agitation

Treatment options for crack and cocaine addiction typically involve a combination of detoxification, behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare support. The first step in treatment is usually detoxification, which involves safely managing the physical withdrawal symptoms that occur when a person stops using drugs. This process may involve medications and 24-hour medical supervision to ensure the individual’s safety and comfort.

Once detoxification is complete, behavioral therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency management are often used to help individuals change their thought patterns and behaviors related to drug use. These therapies can help individuals identify and cope with triggers that may lead to drug use and develop healthier coping skills.

In some cases, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may also be used to help individuals manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Medications such as buprenorphine and methadone can be effective in reducing drug cravings and easing withdrawal symptoms. However, these medications must be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare provider to ensure they are used safely and effectively. Aftercare and relapse prevention programs can also provide ongoing support and resources to help individuals maintain their recovery and prevent relapse.

Once you develop a substance use disorder with crack cocaine, getting immediate help becomes paramount to your recovery. Your treatment program should include a detoxification as well as an addiction residential treatment center. Our staff at our crack rehab center have extensive experience in dealing with this issue and helping clients get back in the driving seat of their lives. If you would like to learn more about how we treat this disorder, please visit our crack rehab center or leave us a message. We will be happy to offer our assistance.