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*Please note: EagleCrest Recovery is a certified SASSI administrator. Call our admissions team today to schedule an appointment or learn more about what it entails. Call now: 844-439-7627.

Understanding SASSI Assessments

The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) is a tool we use in addiction treatment. They are also often necessary for court and judgment-related situations. A person with a DUI/DWI might be required to take the test. The SASSI is also typically accepted in child custody disputes.

Beyond situations where people are obliged to take the test, it can also be helpful for someone who needs a reset on their relationship with alcohol or drugs. People are often surprised by the results, and the SASSI test can serve as a wake-up call.

Illustration of a woman seeing herself honestly and understanding her addiction because of the SASSI test.

What Does the SASSI Test Look Like?

Here are some of the kinds of questions you might be asked:

Multiple Choice Questions:

  • “How often do you feel you need to drink or use drugs to cope with stress?”
    • A) Never
    • B) Sometimes
    • C) Often
    • D) Always

Behavioral Statements:

  • “I have missed work or school because of drinking or using drugs.”
  • “I have lied to family members or friends about my substance use.”

Lifestyle and Experiences:

  • “How frequently do you engage in activities you enjoy without using substances?”
    • A) Almost never
    • B) Sometimes
    • C) Often
    • D) Almost always


  • “Do you feel that your substance use is under control?”
    • A) Yes
    • B) No

Indirect Indicators:

  • “I often feel nervous or anxious without any clear reason.”
  • “I find it difficult to relax even in a comfortable environment.”

Why SASSI Assessments Are Necessary

Addiction is always complex. Its development is always a complex interplay of biological, environmental, and historical factors. While true, a standard test such as the SASSI is still helpful. It can offer someone early detection. Though no two addictions are the same, many of the symptoms and behaviors are similar.

It also gives you an idea of where you may struggle the most, which can inform the individualized treatment you will receive.

Steps to Getting Evaluated with SASSI

EagleCrest Recovery is a certified SASSI Administrator. This means we have the training and interpretive skills to assess and administer addiction treatment accurately and in detail. We also offer this assessment for court-ordered situations. These might include:

1. Court-Ordered Assessments

  • DUI/DWI Cases
  • Drug-Related Offenses

2. Child Custody and Family Court

  • Parental Evaluations
  • Family Interventions

3. Probation and Parole Requirements

  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Progress Tracking

4. Pre-Sentencing Reports

  • Substance Use Evaluations

5. Diversion Programs

  • Alternative Sentencing

6. Employment and Occupational Health

  • Employment Assessments
  • Return-to-Work Evaluations

Commonly Asked Questions About the SASSI Assessment

 How does the SASSI assessment work?

Answer: The SASSI is a series of questions. It focuses on behaviors and attitudes and uses standardized measures to understand subtlety. It is not a “right or wrong” type of test.

A person can feel more at ease with its structure, as the approach feels more like a self-examination. However, there is an assessment, and the trained clinician evaluates the likelihood of dependence and substance use disorder.

Who should take the SASSI assessment?

Answer: Really, anyone who has a suspicion they might have a substance use issue. Or someone who has been confronted by family members or friends about their substance use. Or someone who has suffered consequences as a result of drugs or alcohol in their lives.

Of course, this test is necessary if you have a court mandate for a SASSI. It is particularly helpful if a person does not fully recognize or understand the extent of their substance use problems.

How accurate is the SASSI assessment?

Answer: The SASSI is regarded as accurate. It has been validated by many studies and research. It is seen as a critical tool and an industry standard for diagnosing and treating substance use disorders.

Do You Need an SASSI Assessment?

Have you been court-ordered for an SASSI Assessment? Or would you benefit from the depth of insight this test offers?

EagleCrest Recovery is a certified administrator of the SASSI. Call our admissions team today to schedule an appointment or learn more about what it entails. Call now: 844-439-7627.