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Synthetic Drug Addiction

Start your recovery from addiction to man-made substances that mimic the effects of illegal drugs. Synthetic drugs, often misleadingly labeled as ‘safe’ or ‘legal’, pose serious health risks.

Our program is dedicated to helping you understand these risks, overcome the addiction, and transition to a healthier, fulfilling life. Begin your journey with us towards a synthetic-drug-free future today.

Synthetic Drug Rehab in Arkansas

Man pondering while walking on a tranquil lake beach, symbolizing the contemplative journey of synthetic drug rehab in Arkansas.

Synthetic Drug Addiction

Start your recovery from addiction to man-made substances that mimic the effects of illegal drugs. Synthetic drugs, often misleadingly labeled as ‘safe’ or ‘legal’, pose serious health risks.

Our program is dedicated to helping you understand these risks, overcome the addiction, and transition to a healthier, fulfilling life. Begin your journey with us towards a synthetic-drug-free future today.

Hand holding salts, representing synthetic drugs, implying the necessity to let go for a healthier life.

Synthetic Drug Addiction Help

Synthetic Drugs are almost completely man-made drugs, constituting very little, if any, natural materials. Also known as “designer drugs,” there are two key types of synthetic drugs:

  1. synthetic cannabinoids – which are designed to produce a high similar to marijuana
  2. synthetic cathinones – which are designed to replicate the feeling of stimulants like cocaine, meth, and MDMA

It is known that these drugs are dangerous, sometimes more so than their natural counterparts, but how dangerous they are is still unknown, as these drugs have not been studied as intensely as other commonly known illicit substances.

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Synthetic Drug Withdrawals: What to Expect 

Withdrawal symptoms from synthetic drugs can vary based on the specific substance, but common symptoms may include:


Intense Cravings

A powerful desire to use the drug again, often caused by the body's dependence on the substance.


Increased feelings of nervousness, fear, or extreme suspicion as the drug leaves the body's system.


Sudden changes in mood, including feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or lack of interest in daily activities.


This could include symptoms like headaches, muscle aches, sweating, and shivering.

Disrupted Sleep

Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, having restless sleep, or experiencing nightmares.

Nausea and Vomiting

An unsettled stomach and the possible ejection of stomach content as the body tries to rid itself of the substance.

Synthetic Drug Rehab in Arkansas 

The signs of addiction in Synthetic drugs are similar to those of any drug. Once the user begins building a tolerance to the drug and begins experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using the drug, you will also see things like increased risky behavior, a lack of motivation to do tasks previously enjoyed by the individual, noticeable mood changes, a drop in hygiene, and isolation from friends and family.

While there are drugs that can be detoxed safely from home, it is recommended that the patient seek a medically monitored detox for synthetic drug addiction. Currently, due to the recentness of development of these drugs, there is not a specific FDA-approved medication to assist with detox. Furthermore, the ever-changing nature of these drugs means side effects can be severe and unpredictable. Having trained medical staff to overlook the detox process will increase not only the safety of the detox but also the efficacy.

EagleCrest’s Synthetic Drug Rehab

Due to the highly psychoactive qualities of synthetic drugs, patients will need to undergo psychological evaluation upon admission. Antidepressant or antipsychotic medications may be used to assist the patient in treatment. Holistic group and individual therapy may begin once the severe detox symptoms are complete.